Port News

Now Hiring for a Full Time Maintenance Staff
The Port of Siuslaw is hiring for a full time position to perform maintenance, fueling and janitorial. Starting wage is $17.50. See link to full job description and application form on the Employment tab at portofsiuslaw.com, or at the Port office located at 100...
Port News

Port Commission Special Session 10-1-24 at 5:00pm
On Tuesday October 1, 2024, the Port of Siuslaw Commissioners will hold a special session at 5:00 pm at the Port conference room, located at 100 Harbor Street in Florence, Oregon. The special session will be to review Resolution 9-27-24A Adopting the Port of Siuslaw...
Port News

Camp next to the river and Historic Old Town!
Visit Florence and camp at one of the best locations on the Oregon Coast! Next to the Siuslaw River and adjacent to Historic Old Town, the Port of Siuslaw has a variety of amenities and rates to fit your recreational plans. Give us a call at 541-997-3040 or reserve...
Board Meetings
3-19-25 Commission Meeting Cancelled due to lack of quorum
On Wednesday March 19, 2025, the Port of Siuslaw Commissioners will hold a Commission meeting at the Port conference room, located at 100 Harbor Street in Florence, Oregon. Commission meetings are open to the public. The agenda and zoom information for the Meeting...
Current Videos
Port TV Comercial
Tsunami Preparedness in Oregon
The Port of Siuslaw delivers high-quality asset management and economic development services that result in measurable economic and community development benefits for communities throughout the Port District.