Latest News
Boaters: Please Slow Down Near Marinas and Ramp
The Port of Siuslaw is asking all boaters to PLEASE observe the Oregon State Marine Board Administrative Rules on “Slow-No Wake” while operating your boat within 300 feet of the boat ramp and BOTH marinas. OAR 250-010-0025 Basic Rule for “Slow–No Wake” (1) No person...
Port Commissioners appoint 4 new budget committee members
Congratulations to John Murphey, Carol Colton, Jeannette Hansen and Lynnette Wikstrom.. They were appointed at the March 15, 2023 Board meeting and will serve a 3 year term.
Port Seeks Commission Applicants
21 February, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Port of Siuslaw announces there will be two Port Commissioner positions on the ballot for the May 16, 2023 Special District Election. The positions, #2 and #4, are available for the usual four-year term. Those...
Special Session 8-16-22 at 5:00pm
On Tuesday August 16, 2022, the Port of Siuslaw Commissioners will hold a special session at 5:00 pm at the Port conference room, located at 100 Harbor Street in Florence, Oregon. The special session will be to discuss taking a position on Oregon offshore energy...
Executive Session 5-12-22
On Tuesday, May 12, 2022, the Port of Siuslaw Commissioners will hold an Executive Session at 5:00pm per ORS 192.660(2)(h) to consult with our attorney regarding our legal rights and duties in regard to current litigation or litigation that is more likely than not to...
Siuslaw Vendor Market
The Port of Siuslaw is now featuring the Siuslaw Vendor Market starting the third weekend in May through the summer on the boardwalk. Vendors wishing to participate will need..... to fill out a vendor application from the Port have insurance liability of 2 million...
Debris Boom Logs
As of March 22, 2022 the debris boom logs have been removed for fishing and crabbing.
Now Hiring Year Round Camp Host
The Port of Siuslaw is accepting applications for Camp Host. This is a year round, volunteer position for a single person or a couple. Benefits include RV space, utilities, cable TV, Wi-Fi and propane. Computer experience required. Camp Host experience preferred....
12-15-21 Commission Meeting Cancelled
Port Commission Meeting November 17, 2021 7:00pm and Executive Session at 6:00pm
On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, the Port of Siuslaw Commissioners will hold an Executive Session at 6:00pm per ORS 162.660(2)(i) to review and evaluate the performance of an officer, employee or staff member, and ORS 192.660(2)(h) to consult with our attorney...